24 enero 2009

Pete's Garage

Pete era el antiguo presidente de la "Antique Motorcycle Club of America " y actualmente es el presidente de la "Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group". Pete a echo de su pasión por las motocicletas su vida, lo que le ha llevado a ser autor del libro titulado "The Legend of Fireball Fleming", a ser historiador y coleccionista. En este video lo vemos sobre una fantástica Roper de 1896 impulsada por un motor de vapor. ¡Que curioso!.

Gracias Black'N Blue Motorcycles.


"Pete's Garage" ~ Promo Video


Pete was the former president of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America and currently is president of the Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group. Pete to miss his passion for motorcycles his life, which led him to be the author of the book entitled "The Legend of Fireball Fleming," to be a historian and collector. In this video we see on a fantastic Roper 1896 driven by a steam engine. How curious!.

Thanks Black'N Blue Motorcycles

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